Dear Fellow Second Life Neighbor
When I first came to Secondlife I had no idea that my life would change the way it has. I have met some really great people here in SL and I plan on meeting more great people. Even though I have been here for a little more then a year. I feel as though some of the friendships I had made here with some of you have been very special and I want to thank you all for making my SL experience as cherishing and memorable as it has been. As I continue this Secondlife Journey I pray to continue finding many new and wonderful people who not only will become a part of my life but also for me to be a better part of yours also.
As we end the year a New Year will begin and with that new and old friendships alike will come together as one.
On February 8th, 9th, and 10th, we are having a benefit for a group named SLNA (Second Life Narcotics Anonymous) Unity is the key to staying clean for all addicts. In Second Life there is unity. The idea for this group sprang from an incident of a real life experience.
I am a recovering addict who had a boyfriend with a drug problem. Not only did he have a drug problem, but he was also blind. Being disabled he found it hard to go to a meeting and feel a "part of" as the Narcotics Anonymous literature clearly states; we are united together and our common welfare should come first. The most important person at any meeting is the new comer, for we can only keep what we have by giving it away". When a person who is "different" walks into any public gathering they are watched stared at like there is something wrong with them.... OR... they are ignored, as if they aren't there at all. My ex-boyfriend was made to feel just like that in a few meetings which kept him from taking full advantage of the program that we offer. In February of 2007 he died of a drug overdose.
I decided to form a group online in secondlife for the people who can not or will not get out and go to a meeting. For people with disabilities. We have voice chat now. Blind and wheel chair bound people are welcomed alike. In SL we are all 23 years old and we are all walking, talking and having a great time who ever we are and what ever we do.
The "only" requirement for membership into this group is the the desire to stay clean. The rest will follow. It is only by God's grace for me I am alive today and clean. I have 7 1/2 years clean. I am not proud of where I came from. My addiction took me to places that aren't speakable. But non the less. I am who I am and I have my own story. Someone once told me; "stick around a while and you WILL hear your story". That statement continues to come true as long as I continue to make regular meetings and not only did I hear my story I have shared it and gave that same hope to someone else who has my story.
Now, I would like to take the time to invite you to my benefit in world. You will be so happy you came to this event. We will be having an auction, bands, live artists and a fashion show also. Your support is just to show up. The rest will take care of itself. The purpose for this benefit is to be able to have a meeting place for other addicts who want to recover. Our goal is to raise enough money to buy a sim and have the maintenance fees paid for at least 6 months. That will give us time to build our community. This sim will be ran by Recovering addicts only. We will have stores and shops there to raise money on a daily basis for our cost of living in SL. Anyone can come to our sim to shop. And let's face it in America alone ever single family has been plagued with addiction in some way. At least one person in every family in America alone has an addict. The choice to do something about it is completely our own.
God Bless you and I pray your life is full of blessings.
LadyRose Luna
Because my IM's are being capped I have an email LadyRoseLuna@aol.com
ps We can still use some donations for the auction and events that are lined up for this benefit.........if you are an entertainer, creator, musician designer of secondlife We would really appreciate it if you can donate some thing to the benefit. This is a three day event. I would appreciate and be honored to have you be a part of this event. Thank you so much!
When I first came to Secondlife I had no idea that my life would change the way it has. I have met some really great people here in SL and I plan on meeting more great people. Even though I have been here for a little more then a year. I feel as though some of the friendships I had made here with some of you have been very special and I want to thank you all for making my SL experience as cherishing and memorable as it has been. As I continue this Secondlife Journey I pray to continue finding many new and wonderful people who not only will become a part of my life but also for me to be a better part of yours also.
As we end the year a New Year will begin and with that new and old friendships alike will come together as one.
On February 8th, 9th, and 10th, we are having a benefit for a group named SLNA (Second Life Narcotics Anonymous) Unity is the key to staying clean for all addicts. In Second Life there is unity. The idea for this group sprang from an incident of a real life experience.
I am a recovering addict who had a boyfriend with a drug problem. Not only did he have a drug problem, but he was also blind. Being disabled he found it hard to go to a meeting and feel a "part of" as the Narcotics Anonymous literature clearly states; we are united together and our common welfare should come first. The most important person at any meeting is the new comer, for we can only keep what we have by giving it away". When a person who is "different" walks into any public gathering they are watched stared at like there is something wrong with them.... OR... they are ignored, as if they aren't there at all. My ex-boyfriend was made to feel just like that in a few meetings which kept him from taking full advantage of the program that we offer. In February of 2007 he died of a drug overdose.
I decided to form a group online in secondlife for the people who can not or will not get out and go to a meeting. For people with disabilities. We have voice chat now. Blind and wheel chair bound people are welcomed alike. In SL we are all 23 years old and we are all walking, talking and having a great time who ever we are and what ever we do.
The "only" requirement for membership into this group is the the desire to stay clean. The rest will follow. It is only by God's grace for me I am alive today and clean. I have 7 1/2 years clean. I am not proud of where I came from. My addiction took me to places that aren't speakable. But non the less. I am who I am and I have my own story. Someone once told me; "stick around a while and you WILL hear your story". That statement continues to come true as long as I continue to make regular meetings and not only did I hear my story I have shared it and gave that same hope to someone else who has my story.
Now, I would like to take the time to invite you to my benefit in world. You will be so happy you came to this event. We will be having an auction, bands, live artists and a fashion show also. Your support is just to show up. The rest will take care of itself. The purpose for this benefit is to be able to have a meeting place for other addicts who want to recover. Our goal is to raise enough money to buy a sim and have the maintenance fees paid for at least 6 months. That will give us time to build our community. This sim will be ran by Recovering addicts only. We will have stores and shops there to raise money on a daily basis for our cost of living in SL. Anyone can come to our sim to shop. And let's face it in America alone ever single family has been plagued with addiction in some way. At least one person in every family in America alone has an addict. The choice to do something about it is completely our own.
God Bless you and I pray your life is full of blessings.
LadyRose Luna
Because my IM's are being capped I have an email LadyRoseLuna@aol.com
ps We can still use some donations for the auction and events that are lined up for this benefit.........if you are an entertainer, creator, musician designer of secondlife We would really appreciate it if you can donate some thing to the benefit. This is a three day event. I would appreciate and be honored to have you be a part of this event. Thank you so much!
Labels: Biker, Just for today, LadyRoseLuna, Life, Love, Recovery, Second Live narcotics anonymous, Secondlife, Self Help, Staying clean
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