Sunday, March 13, 2005

My children.....

I am a mom who has just recently been given the chance to be back in my children life. I have tried countless times to be there for them and they keep thinking I am the enemy. I am not the enemy I am their mother. I love my children and I had this belief that one day we could all be together again and live happily ever after..... HA! What a crock that was. Here it is five years later and I am trying to take them out with me to places and show them the affection that we were deprived of all these years. I just want to take them and put them into me.... I love them so much and I am filled with all these emotions that I keep under my skin. I want them to know how I feel and they just don't get it. I love them... I am not going to condone bullshit that I pulled in the past and they know it. I have grown out of that shit. I have evolved from the drug addict I used to be. I am not the same person I once was. Although I am very cool. I will not allow my children to behave in any ol' way! NOT!

Mind you I am far from perfect! I am not flawless! I always have that in my head and I try not to ever be too judgmental.......That is for God to do! I will not act like a drill sergeant either.